The Ministry of Health is advising that, as of December 5, 2020, bars and clubs are now required to close at midnight, rather than 2am as was previously permitted.
COVID-19 EMERGENCY POWERS) (NO. 3) AMENDMENT (NO. 2) REGULATIONS 2020, which were published in the Official Gazette today, amend Regulation 5 to replace the time of “2am” to now read “midnight”.
Bars and clubs are now required to close at midnight and can reopen no earlier than 8am. Additionally, and for the avoidance of doubt, no business or facility may sell or serve intoxicating liquor between the hours of midnight and 8am.
It should be noted that this does not prohibit or restrict the sale of alcohol to a guest in a hotel between the hours of midnight and 8am, provided it is delivered to and consumed in the guest’s sleeping accommodation.
A police officer of the rank of inspector or above may, upon reasonable belief that a contravention of these Regulations has occurred on a licensed premises, close the licensed premises for a period not exceeding 24 hours.
The Minister of Health the Hon. Kim Wilson JP MP said, "With the increase in locally-transmitted cases of
COVID-19, we felt it prudent to amend the Regulations to minimize the time where people may be socializing together inside of a closed space. Also, as we all know, increased alcohol consumption can lead to poor judgement calls and slips in protective health measures.
The Ministry’s contact tracing investigations strongly suggest that it is social mixing or gatherings of people that are most likely to produce local transmission and positive cases. I wish to remind people to keep their social bubbles small and to wear your mask when out in public or around others from outside of your household."