Whenever you use the Telegram app, it stores files locally on whatever device you're using, whether that's a computer or mobile device. These files are in Telegram's cache, which the app relies on to improve performance and quickly serve data (like shared photos and videos) you might want to view.
You might occasionally want to clear your Telegram cache, whether it's to recover storage space, enhance your privacy by removing local files, or troubleshoot issues with the app. The process varies depending on what device you are using, but it only takes a few clicks or taps.
1. On the Windows or Mac desktop, start the Telegram app.
2. Click the three-line menu at the top left and click Settings.
3. On the Settings page, click Advanced.
4. In the Data and storage section, click Manage local storage.
5. You can selectively clear elements of the cache or, to remove everything and recover all the space used by the Telegram cache, click Clear all.
Quick tip: You can specify the maximum size of the cache using the sliders as well as set a time limit for how long files stay on your computer using the Clear files older than slider.
1. On your Android or iPhone, start the Telegram app.
2. Tap Settings at the bottom of the page.
3. Tap Data and Storage.
4. Tap Storage Usage.
5. In the storage section at the bottom of the page, tap Clear Telegram Cache.
The mobile Telegram app lets you clear the cache or customize the size of the cache.
Quick tip: Use the maximum cache size slider to limit how much space Telegram takes up on your phone. You can also set a time limit for how long files stay on your phone using the Keep media slider.