Today the Chief Medical Officer has directed that all students and associated teachers in both the P4 years at Elliot Primary School must be quarantined, based on an updated risk assessment by the Ministry of Health, and in accordance with the Public Health Act 1949 and the Public Health (COVID-19) Regulations 2020.
This means that children and teachers associated with both (two) P4 years must stay home and away from other activities. All affected persons will be contacted directly by the Department of Health.
The Minister of Education, Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP, said, “Last week, the Ministry of Education introduced enhanced safety and health protocols by immediately using saliva testing for those deemed casual contacts. A saliva test is a screening tool used to detect a potential
COVID-19 infection. The Ministry supports this extra layer of testing to catch any potential infections within casual contacts. It has worked as was hoped. Of the 99 persons at Elliot tested this way on Monday, we have one potential positive.
"Following the salvia test, any person identified as a potential positive must be tested using a nasal pharyngeal or throat swab to confirm the saliva test results. Out of caution, students and associated teachers in this second P4 year must also be tested and re-tested again on or after Day14, which falls on the 6th of April 2021. We ask that parents please speak with their doctors about getting tested.
“Alternatively, the Ministry of Health has organised a clinic today, Wednesday 24th of March 2021, at Hamilton Cathedral test site between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm. Priority for testing will be given to students and associated teachers. The principal of Elliot Primary will ensure that the students’ and associated teachers’ testing appointments are booked. Students must attend with a responsible adult who can consent to test on behalf of the child. The responsible adult must bring a valid, government-issued picture ID for themselves and, if possible, for the child that they are giving consent for.
“Ministry of Health will provide an assessment and further advice once these test results are completed. Negative test results by a particular child or teacher will not automatically mean release from quarantine. The Ministry of Health will inform the school and affected families on updates to the recommended public health measures.”