There were 905 test results received by the Ministry of Health yesterday (12 November 2020), and two were positive for COVID-19.
These most recent cases are classified as imported with details as follows:
1 resident who arrived on a B6203 from Boston on 7 November 2020 who tested positive on their day 4 test, having had a negative pre-test and arrival test
1 non-resident who arrived on DL 617 from New York on 7 November 2020 who tested positive on their day 4 test, having had a negative pre-test and arrival test
Bermuda now has 222 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:
there are 24 active cases, who are
all under public health monitoring, and
none are hospitalized or in critical care;
a total of 189 have recovered, and
the total deceased remains 9.
The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 54 years and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 7 to 101 years.
The average age of all deceased cases is 74 years and the age range is 57 to 91 years.
The source of all cases is as follows:
110 are Imported
91 are Local transmission, with known contact
21 are Local transmission with an unknown contact, and
none are under investigation
Bermuda’s country status is “Sporadic Cases”. The seven-day average of our real time reproduction number is less than 1.
Contrary to erroneous reports printed in a local media outlet today, the Ministry of Health would like to clarify that Bermuda does not have community transmission of
COVID-19. We have one case of local transmission with a known contact. In this case, the contact was a household contact of an imported case.
There are currently no known cases of
COVID-19 in Bermuda where the Ministry of Health does not know the origin of those cases. Further, Bermuda has never been classified as having community transmission by the World Health Organisation. We have requested a correction to be issued.
Bermuda is currently classified by WHO as 'Sporadic cases':
"Countries/territories/areas with one or more cases, imported or locally detected."