The Department of Parks advises the public that due to an increase in short-notice requests for Special Park Permits, all applications must be received at a minimum of two weeks in advance of the event date.
The public is aware that
COVID-19 has significantly reduced the number of residents travelling overseas. This has led to increased use of the parks, beaches, forts, and buildings at the Botanical Gardens for various functions and events.
Individuals applying for Special Park Permits have been submitting applications only days before the scheduled event. Unfortunately, as a result, events have needed to be rescheduled, or at worse cancelled.
To better plan and manage event bookings, as well as avoid disappointment, members of the public are advised to submit their applications at least two weeks in advance of the proposed event date.
Adhering to this procedure is especially important for Special Permit events that mandate staff be on duty throughout the event. Also, depending on the day or time of the event, pre-authorization, which requires an extra layer of administration, is required.
Furthermore, maintenance crews may need rescheduling to provide landscaping or maintenance of the site before the event.
Events that involve closing off a section of park or building to charge admission require a detailed proposal submitted to the Parks Commission for approval. Proposals must be submitted three months in advance as the Parks Commission meet once a month.
Also, as per
COVID-19 Regulations, Special Permits are approved for a maximum number of 75 people.
Events for more than 75 people require an additional application made to the Ministry of National Security. The request for approval to the Ministry of National Security must be accompanied by the original approved application from the Department of Parks.
Applicants are reminded that they must also produce an official form of identification i.e., driver’s licence, passport, or voter ID card.
For enquiries on booking the Botanical Gardens grounds and buildings, the Arboretum, and Fort St. Catherine, please call 297-1920.
For all other Parks and Beaches or further information, please contact the Department of Parks on 236-5902.
The Department of Parks thanks the public in advance for their understanding and cooperation as we help make your event a success.