The Ministry of Health has determined the next steps that are to be taken for Clearwater staff and students who have been out of the school building since December 1st, while a risk assessment was being conducted by the Department of Health.
Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain stated, “Based on an updated risk assessment by the Ministry of Health, and in accordance with the Public Health Act 1949 and the Public Health (
COVID-19) Regulations 2020, the Chief Medical Officer has required that all students, teachers and staff of Clearwater Middle School be quarantined for 14 days. This means that they must stay home from school and other activities, for 14 days from 1st December 2020 until and including Tuesday, 15th December 2020 in response to a potential exposure to
“This also includes not attending birthday parties, extra-curricular activities, social engagements, other places of employment, public places, public transport, grocery stores, etc. Non-essential visitors must not enter the home. For children, the child’s main caregiver(s) and close contacts within the home must also remain at home.”
Minister Rabain added, “Other household members, including brothers and sisters, who are able to separate (separate bedroom and bathroom, no common spaces) from the child within the home are not required to remain at home unless your child is experiencing
COVID‐19 symptoms or has a positive
COVID‐19 test.”
“Students, teachers and staff must get re-tested for
Covid-19 on, or after, Day 14, which falls on 15th December 2020. The Ministry of Health will assist by organizing a special testing clinic.”
“Once the Day 14 test results are completed, the Ministry of Health will assess all test results. Negative test results by a particular child or family will not automatically mean a return to school. The Ministry of Health will inform the school and affected families on updates to the recommended public health measures. The Ministry of Education will inform parents and teachers of school reopening updates following testing results. ”
Commissioner of Education, Mrs. Kalmar Richards stated, “The Department of Education reminds all staff, students and parents that all public health guidelines must be followed by these other household members inside and outside of the home. This includes mask-wearing, hand hygiene and physical distancing. Please stay safe and well.”